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Swati Arya

Swati Arya works at the Savitri Bai Phule Government Girls Polytechnic in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (India).

Flowing through the Days

There stood a wall

Unable to make it fall

She kept hitting stubbornly

Carried on digging passionately

Nothing made sense to her

'stop and move on' didn't attract her

She took some rest occasionally

'far side of the wall' called her strongly

Efforts exhausted and she stood there tired

'move on from the wall', she murmured

Despair took the hold

Days passed to make her cold

It was not easy for her

Doubts kept crippling her

Life seemed to wither

She tried to disappear.

Days passed in gloom

She stood still aloof

But startled she rushed

When swift wind gushed

The wind brought an unusual attraction

An eye over 'far side of the wall', another over 'move on from the wall'

Little she realised the changed time

When she sung an entirely different rhyme

Days passed by once again

'want to move on' was not a pain

She found herself 'in the present'

And 'far side of the wall' was not existent

Not an aloof anymore

She smiled once more

That wind was still blowing

In dreams she was flowing

But one day the wind whispered

Its days are numbered

She cried for the wind to stay

The wind helped her to make a way

And the final day was here,

The wind left to blow elsewhere

But the Girl had learnt to flow

She thanked the wind and let it go

Days passed once more,

Hurdles struck the girl furthermore

But now she knew the art of moving on

She laughed and the days went on

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